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Elvis  -boar                                                                          NFS

*Temperament: Friendly, caring and affectionate.

*looks: Elvis is tortoiseshell ginger, white and black. He has two rosettes on his back.

*Family: Unknown

*Likes: cuddles, seeds and hay

*Dislikes: Jo, rocket and loud noises.

About Elvis: Elvis is a truly sweet little boy, he loves cuddles and will quite happily come out to play with you if you are armed with a treat or some seeds! 

Ginger  -Sow                                                                         NFS

*Temperament: Bossy, fast but likes nuzzling into you.

*Looks: She has short hair, a white stripe on her nose and her head is ginger the rest of her body       is white.

*Family: She has had three children, and lives with one of them.

*Likes: Chard, cuddles and food in general!

*Dislikes: Loud noises and being squashed.

About Ginger: Ginger is a rather authoritative mother, who is very fast and a bit hard to catch. But when you have caught her she will be quite happy to snuggle into the crook of your arm and fall to sleep! She is a lovely mother who takes very good care of her babies. 

Jo  -sow                                                                                NFS

*Temperament: Docile, shy and caring.

*Looks: she is very fluffy and rather large, she is a pale browny grey, and white.

*Family: Jo also had three babies.

*Likes: nuts and seeds, carrots and chillaxing.

*Dislikes: Elvis and being woken up!

​About Jo: Jo is a very calm guinea pig who loves being held, she is easy to pick up and hold. She loves eating and would if she was a bit taller would probably be a good cook!

Squeaky/diamond  -sow                                                        NFS

*Temperament : Fast, loud and energetic.

​*Looks: Squeaky has roan hair that is in rosette shapes. She looks like she's wearing eye liner. 

*Family: She has a brother and a sister and her mother is Ginger and her father is Jack.

*Likes: Squealing at the top  of her voice, crunchy lettuce and her cousin Bagsy.

*Dislikes: Not much although being chased is not her favourite thing! 


About Squeaky: Squeaky is a rather wild girl, who is very fast she is quite hard to pick and squeals really loudly if you attempt to pick her up. I imagine if she was human she would spend a lot of time talking on the phone and texting!

Bagsy  -sow                                                                        NFS

*Temperament: Calm, lovable and sweet. 

*Looks: Bagsy is roan and has a 'mohican' running from her head to half way down her back she has pink ear and the  part around her eyes is also pink.

*Family: she has two sisters, her mother is Jo and her father is Jack.

*Likes: celery, having her hair brushed and seeds.

*Dislikes: being bossed around by Squeaky, loud noises and tomatoes.

About Bagsy: Bagsy is very calm  as long as she is near her cousin Squeaky, she is easy to catch and will willingly sit in your arms and be stroked. If she was human she would probably be the first person you'd tell all your problems to. 

The BABIES   - mix                                                        (Will be for sale)

These are the five babies of Squeaky- born on the 20th of August 2013! So far, because of there age. These are the best phtos i have, sorry!  So far i dont realy know muc about them- as i am writing this they were only born this morning!

* Looks: â€‹We have two roan, one brown and white, one black and white and one dark brown.

*Family: Children of Squaky and Elvis  

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